Wood Heat Training for Architects

AIA has partnered with Renewable Energy Vermont and the Vermont Department of Forests, Parks, & Recreation to offer a 1/2 day course focused on Designing for Wood Heat on Wed, November 14, 2018, 8:00 AM – 1:30 PM at Goddard College. Earn 4.5 HSW Credits. 

Reserve Your Ticket Here: 


In this course, participants will learn about modern wood heat and the many efficient and affordable options available for buildings of all sizes in Vermont. Once thought of as antiquated, wood heat is now just as clean and convenient as its fossil fuel counterparts, without any of the baggage of oil. Heating with wood moves us away from fossil fuels, lowers our carbon foot print, retains wealth locally, and helps to keep forests as forests. In this course we'll give an overview of wood heat applications and its benefits to Vermonters and Vermont’s forests. The course will be offered in two tracks so attendees can focus on their specialties.

Coffee and light snacks will be provided.