2014 AIAVT Excellence in Architecture Design Awards
Bear Island Design Assembly organized by McLeod Kredell Architects of Middlebury and Marvel Architects
Island Chicken Houses located in Islesboro, ME
Honor Award
Jury comments: “Everyone loved this project; it is innovative and appealing on multiple levels. We appreciated the multipurpose facets to the design (standard home for chickens, movable so the chickens can provide service to the gardens, and use of the coops as benches). The process was fascinating and well documented—from construction by liberal arts and architecture students to transporting via ship to the site, moving to alternate locations, etc. Elevating the typical chicken coop to a work of multi-functional art –nicely composed, sculptural forms—is compelling.”
Gossens Bachman Architects of Montpelier
Montpelier District Heat Plant, Montpelier
Merit Award
Jury Comments: “The project raised the bar for buildings of this type. It’s wonderful to see the celebration of industry and a better source of energy for this area put on display. It's the Pompidou Centre of Montpelier, but with perhaps an even stronger underlying purpose for its community. The approachability and transparency of public infrastructure within proximity of the State Capitol is compelling.”
McLeod Kredell Architects of Middlebury
Chipman Hill House, Middlebury
Merit Award
Jury comments: “The simplicity of the exterior materials is appealing. Nice light from large skylight at the center of house, which unifies the spaces at the core of the scheme. Simple palette inside is attractive. The restraint in simple and consistent material choices made for a strong overall design. It features a well executed, clear and pleasing layout with a great use of natural light.”
TruexCullins Architecture and Interior Design of Burlington
Spencer Pergola in Northern Vermont
Merit Award
Jury comments: “The purity of idea and execution is beautiful. At first this seemed too simple, but upon further inspection, there was a sophistication of restrained detail that was compelling—particularly the use of cables along with the perforated steel tubes that created the framework for the future growth of vines. We want to see this again in a few years when the vines have taken hold of the structure—to see the quality of light within it.”
ARC/ Architectural Resources of Cambridge, MA
Middlebury College, New Squash Facility, Middlebury
Jury Comments: “The structure is timeless, solid, grand, well composed, and with nice proportions. It anchors the campus athletic buildings, access from campus, view out from entire floor, and shows restraint. There’s a simple, clean and strong diagram and good use of natural light and large open spaces. This looks like a building that could evolve with future use changes if needed, but seems to work very well for the current program.”
Tolya Stonorov, School of Architecture and Art, Norwich University
The Archistream in Vermont, Traveling
Jury Comments: “We've seen many Airstream renovations, but here, the thorough analysis of the structure and attention to detail and materiality was compelling. The educational use for the community also seemed to have significance. The embrace of technology is important for this project as well. Educational aspect, ribs, materials, craftsmanship, details, tactile quality of interface for students and users—all were impressive.”
Brown + Davis Design of Jericho
Autumn Hill Lane in Shelburne, VT
Jury Comments: “The exterior material palette and color selection seemed to integrate well with the house’s environment—especially in the winter months. The interior materials and layout were well done. Good photography and binder presentation. The house features an efficient plan, with restraint in the forms and exterior materials, which work well in a common residential environment, yet is interesting and minimalist.”
Gossens Bachman Architects of Montpelier
Capstone Community Action in Barre VT
Jury Comments: “The structure seems like a "happy" place to come for public functions—with warmth on the exterior and interior. We like the skylight introduced into the existing building to central space for offices. There’s nice composition of the exterior materials. The interior is inventive and expresses the structure of the building. The apparent modest budget and expression of inexpensive materials has a certain charm. The connection to the existing building was well executed. The sustainability and use of natural light seems to make this a pleasing environment to work in. The simple use of daylighting through trusses is an integral move.”
LineSync Architecture of Wilmington
Resilient River Apartment in Wilmington, VT
Honorable Mention
Jury Comments: “The project opened a lot of discussion about how to make these places desirable and livable again, while reducing fear of the next big flood. The concept was great, including helping to keep a downtown area viable in light of natural disasters. There is a message here that is important to discuss—how to make architecture more resilient in areas of certain vulnerability. This was an innovative response to the inherent risks of a river site.”
Norwich University of Northfield
The Delta T-90 House (Mobile) in Northfield
People's Choice Award
952 members of the general public voted online for their "favorite Design," after viewing an image of each entry on our website. Approximately 53% indicated whether they were in the construction industry, of which 36% indicated they were.

The Jury
AIA Wyoming members graciously served as jury for AIAVT’s design awards this year. The members were:
Stephen Dynia, FAIA Principal
Stephen Dynia Architects
Jackson, Wyoming
Karen Parent, AIA
Stephen Dynia Architects
Jackson, Wyoming
Jeff Lawrence, AIA, Associate
Carney Logan Burke
Jackson, Wyoming
Shawn Ankeny, AIA Principal
Ankeny Architecture
Jackson, Wyoming