Window Heat Pumps: An Emerging Opportunity

Window Heat Pumps An Emerging Opportunity

Date: 10/1/24 8:00 AM
Location: Online

This is a Better Building by Design 2024 session Efficiency Vermont is offering as a webinar.

The introduction of “packaged window heat pumps” presents an opportunity to make heat pumps accessible to residential populations that have not historically been able to enjoy the benefits provided by this technology. Window heat pumps are relatively inexpensive, can be added to individual rooms over time, and generally do not trigger complex, expensive panel or service upgrades. Equipment can also be disassembled and moved with the occupant. This session will inform participants about this new, disruptive opportunity.

Presented by Jake Marin, Lead Emerging Opportunities Manager, at VEIC
1 AIA LU/HSW approved

Contact: Bryn Oakleaf
Email: boakleaf@