VT CBES 2024 - Compliance options – Prescriptive Packages, COMcheck

VT CBES 2024 - Compliance options  Prescriptive Packages COMcheck

Date: 2/15/24 7:30 AM
Website: us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_NpWdSEJ9T6W0Rg3GDp4lFA
Location: Online

1 AIA LU/HSW pending approval

Vermont’s Comprehensive Energy Plan (CEP) states that all new construction must be built to net-zero ready standards by 2030, but how will we get there? Between now and then, three cycles of code updates will progressively step Vermont along to meet the 2030 goal. The next iteration of the Vermont energy code was adopted in 2023 and will be effective July 2024. This training will present the VT Commercial Building Energy Standards (CBES) updates for this most recent code cycle, walk through compliance options. This includes looking as prescriptive packages, and use of COMcheck.

Participants joining this training can anticipate the following learning objectives to be covered:

- Understand what the CBES certificate is and how to complete it accurately depending on compliance path chosen.
- Learn building system and component requirements for prescriptive compliance
- Learn the basics and some advanced user tips for COMcheck software with a walkthrough and demonstration
- Learn additional efficiency package option requirements available to meet compliance requirements

Contact: Bryn Oakleaf
Email: boakleaf@ veic.org