RBES Office Hours with Efficiency Vermont

RBES Office Hours with Efficiency Vermont

Date: 12/21/22 12:00 PM
Website: us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_sg-_uO8WSy-8VHpcjW3JdA
Location: Winooski

Are you getting started on a residential new construction building, or significant existing home renovations? Do you have questions on which building energy standards apply?

Efficiency Vermont experts are here to answer your questions about the Residential Building Energy Standards (RBES) or "energy code" for short. Join our monthly RBES - Efficiency Vermont Office Hours for assistance with RBES requirements and options available to meet energy code for your project.

Our building experts will help work through questions. Anything from general to project specific is welcomed!

If you're unable to join the office hours, you can direct your RBES questions to the Energy Code Assistance Center: 855-887-0673.

Contact: Bryn Oakleaf
Email: boakleaf@ veic.org