Call for Nominations: AIAVT Board of Directors 2024

Date: 11/1/23 11:59 PM
Location: Vermont

AIAVT Seeks Nominations for Board of Directors for 2024

The AIAVT Board of Directors is welcoming new members to join the board and serve in 2024.

AIAVT Architect and Associate Members may serve on any committee and/or the board once approved to do so by ExCom.
AIAVT Allied members, once approved by Excom, may serve on any of the above committees except for the Executive Committee. Allied Members may attend and speak but may not make motions or vote at any meeting of this Chapter. Allied Members are not eligible to serve as an officer or to chair a committee of this Chapter but may serve as an ex-officio member of the Board of Directors of this Chapter, only as specifically allowed in Article 6 of the AIAVT Bylaws.
Please fill out the Board Nomination Form by Nov. 1, 2023:

Interested in joining one of AIAVT's committees?
See the full list of committees here. Committee nominations are open throughout the year.

Contact: Sarah O Donnell
Email: sarah.odonnell@