Timber HP Presents: Beyond R-Value - Wood is Good: The Perfect Wall Grows on Trees (AIA CEU)

Date: 6/14/23 12:00 PM
Website: us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_nD5PouUrR8ix1_Hw0jKy1w
Location: Madison

Building science expert Joseph Lstiburek, of Building Science Corporation, will join us for
our June 14th session in our monthly webinar series, Beyond R-Value Continuing Education.
Focusing on the “The Residential Wall” which starts with understanding the importance of the
four control layers as well as critical details which extends to the roof and slab. With wood fiber
now being produced in North America and becoming more readily available Joe will discuss
the benefits of incorporating this insulation into “The Perfect Wall” assembly. In an era of
increased concerns around embodied carbon, wood fiber insulation offers a high performance
thermal and sound product that not only helps with operational energy consumption, but also
addresses embodied carbon. This event is free to join. Participants will earn 1LU-HSW.

Contact: Alexandra Hodges
Email: alexandra.hodges@ timberhp.com