A New Pattern Language: Putting the Framework for Design Excellence into Practice

A New Pattern Language Putting the Framework for Design Excellence into Practice

Date: 4/7/22 12:00 PM
Website: events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg=
Location: Virtual

An online panel discussion with AIANH members
Thursday, April 7, 12-1PM
1 HSW pending

This panel discussion will explore how New Hampshire architects are incorporating the AIA's Framework for Design Excellence into their projects. The group hopes to demystify the process and show examples of what those 10 principles look like in their own projects. Often these principles are organic outcomes from the standard practice of mindful architecture, and only in retrospect do we connect the dots into the Framework. We recognize that these tools are also valuable as a guide and way to verbalize with clients what we naturally do in the flow of our work.

David Ely, AIA, Windy Hill Associates
Sean Landry, AIA, Lavallee Bresinger Architects
Tracy Kozak, AIA, ARCove Architects
Brian Murphy, AIA, Placework
Sheldon Pennoyer, AIA, Sheldon Pennoyer Architects
Susan Phillips-Hungerford, AIA, Susan Phillips-Hungerford Architect
Join us to hear from colleagues and share your own experiences with the Framework for Design Excellence

REGISTER NOW: events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg=
You will receive the zoom meeting link in your email confirmation.
Registration fees:
$15 AIA members
$30 Non-members

Contact: Bonnie Kastel
Email: bkastel@ aianh.org